Friday, 18 August 2017

Back Pain: Causes and Remedies

Most of us suffer from back pain at some point in our lives. There are many reasons for recurrent back pain, the commonest of all is a sedentary life style. As we get more and more accustomed to an executive job, remaining glued to our computers in the office, stuck to our chairs for hours on end, at the end of the day we come back home tired and a nagging back pain sapping our spirit. This pain is a gentle reminder that as we move upward in our corporate ladder, we neglect our health citing lack of time.  We often tend to neglect this pain and if it is getting out of control, we start popping pills.
Apart from our lifestyle, back pain may occur due to sciatica, vertebral fracture, and spinal arthritis. These are medical conditions and require proper diagnosis and further treatment. For immediate relief from this pain, you can apply the “ice then heat” at home. Apply an ice pad on the affected area, it will help soothe the pain and reduce the swelling if any. Follow this with a heat compression. Heat will help the circulation which will eventually relax the sore tissue.
When the pain persists or does not lessen, it is time to consult a physician for advice and further treatment.
If the back pain is less severe, certain exercises or yoga will be able to help you. Here are few yoga poses for your help and immediate relief.
1.       Spinal Twist: keep your left leg extended and fold your right leg. Keep the right hand behind you for support. Now twist your body towards your right and place the left elbow on the top of your right knee. It is a twisted position and strengthens your back muscles.
2.       Forward fold: sit on the floor and extend both legs in front of you. Bend forward to reach for your ankles bending at your hips. Hold this position for at least 5 seconds. Repeat.
3.       Child’s pose:  start on all fours and sit back so that your butts rest on your heels. Stretch and bend keeping your arms stretched forward. Lower your back till your face almost touches the floor. Repeat at least for 5 times.
These three are simple back exercises which will help you to relax the strain building up on your lower back because of neglect and long hours of sitting at a desk job. Get healthy, start leading an active life. Exercise. Soon you will be rewarded with a better and healthier you.

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